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Chez Nous Textbook Pdf Download Free



Description du cours

Support: Covid-19 ; Black Lives Matter

Student Learning Objectives:
French 1002 is the second course in a three-course sequence. This course builds on the skills acquired during the first semester in order to develop the ability of students to comprehend, speak and write in French about past and future events. Students will learn how to tell a story (narrate, describe, characterize in the past) as well as how to promise, make predictions, and propose simple hypotheses and conjectures. Additionally, students will become more familiar with various aspects of French and Francophone cultures. Students will improve their learning of the basic structures of French grammar through class activities, online practice and homework assignments.
ACTFL proficiency level: Novice Mid / Novice High
Prerequisite: FREN 1001 or equivalent or appropriate Placement Test score.

NOTE: If you have not taken French 1001 at GW, please take the online Placement Test now if you have not already done so.

It is the policy of the Department that classes be conducted in French.
Here are some useful expressions for asking questions and participating in class!:

S'il vous plaît, comment dit-on "---"? (How do you say "---"?)
Excusez-moi, que veut dire "---"? (What does "---" mean?)
Je n'ai pas bien compris. (I didn't really understand.)
Est-ce que vous pouvez répéter s'il vous plaît? (Can you please repeat (that)?)

And be sure to read our "page e-mail" when writing any message to your professor.

=> Sample syllabus !

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Required Books:

Chez Nous: Branche sur le monde francophone (5th edition)
Pearsonl: Scullen, Pons & Valdman

Choose one of the options below depending on your situation.
A) If you took French 1001 last semester:
If you took French 1001 last semester, log into MyFrenchLab, click on "Enroll in a course", and add the Course ID from the syllabus in Blackboard (second day of classes).
B) If you did not take French 1001 at GW:
> Register here by clicking on "OK! Register Now".
> Insert the "Course ID" from the syllabus in Blackboard (second day of classes).
> If you are certain to take 1003, follow the instructions for purchasing the code with a credit card or Paypal.
**IMPORTANT: Choose the "multi-semester" code if you plan to take 1003 within the next year!
> If you are NOT certain to take 1002, choose the "get temporary access without payment for 14 days" option at the bottom of the "Select an Option" page.

The code will give you access to an eBook version of the Chez Nous textbook as well as extensive online activities.
*** NOTE that this multi-semester code is also valid for French 1003 if completed within 24 months!

Please do not buy the code elsewhere.
ATTENTION: Online vendors such as do NOT currently sell the correct codes for this course!
(This code is not available at the GW Bookstore. If your financial aid situation requires you to purchase course materials through the GW Bookstore, please contact the Director of the French Language program, M. Marshall .)

If you would like a print version of the textbook as well, see below (but you will still need to purchase the MyFrenchLab access code).

Trial period:
UNSURE if you should take Fr1002?

If you placed into Fr1002 using the Placement Test, but you feel there is a chance it may not be at your level, see the syllabus in Blackboard for details on the free trial period!

MOBILE USERS: Once you have registered for MyFrenchLab (following the instructions on the Blackboard course syllabus), you can access MyFrenchLab via your iPad or Android device! Details here.

(for those who would like a print version of the textbook in addition to the eBook included with the MyFrenchLab code above)

chez nous
5th edition

An eBook version is included in MyFrenchLab, so a print copy of the textbook is not required, but if you prefer a hard copy of the **5th** edition, they are available:
1) online at,, etc.

NOTE: If you choose to work with a print version of the textbook, you will still need to purchase the MyFrenchLab code above.

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Recommended Books:
(Not required)

A French-English Dictionary
There are many inexpensive small French-English Dictionaries that may be of use but students who plan to continue their study of French should definitely consider a larger, more complete (but more expensive..) dictionary such as the Larousse Advanced French-English, English-French Dictionary or the HarperCollins Robert French Unabridged Dictionary.
Larousse online
Le dictionnaire Larousse en ligne
Larousse English-French Dictionnary Android / iPhone
Comment écrire des accents sur votre ordinateur!
(How to type accents on your computer!)
Verb Conjugation
Bescherelle 1: La Conjugaison Pour Tous
Good, on-line verb conjugator.

If you plan to minor or major in French (!)..:

A French-French Dictionary

Le Trésor de la Langue Française informatisé


Larousse online
Le dictionnaire Larousse en ligne

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Academic Honesty :

Students are expected to be familiar with the GW Code of Academic Integrity.

This means that all homework, classwork and exams must be the student's own work. The use of online translation services or of any other translation not that of the student are also considered plagiarism and are not accepted. Consulting notes or supplementary materials of any kind during an exam or other graded work is prohibited unless explicitly allowed by the professor.

In instances when information from other people is appropriate, including print or Internet sources, they must be cited appropriately be they direct quotations or paraphrased material.

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact your professor.

Students who fail to properly cite sources will be subject to sanctions as outlined in the Code of Academic Integrity.

More information is available in the "Guide of Academic Integrity in Online Learning Environments", at or by calling 202-994-6757.

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Attendance and make-up policies:

Given the importance of listening and speaking skills, as well as the intensive nature of this course, attending every class is extremely important. More than three unexcused absences of any kind as well as repeated lateness will have a negative effect on your final grade. Penalties will also apply to quizzes and exams missed without official justification. .

Absences with written justification from a doctor, Health Services, coach, program director, etc. are considered excused absences. Absences due to covid-related issues are also excused (written justification is not required), but be sure contact your instructor as soon as possible so that you do not fall behind. (For religious holidays, see below.)

Classes missed due to broken alarm clocks, friends visiting, exams in other courses, and any other reason not mentioned above are considered unexcused absences. Given that these kinds of situations can arise during the course, you are strongly advised to "save" your three allowed absences in case of such emergencies.

Six (6) unexcused absences will lower your participation grade to a maximum of C.
Nine (9) unexcused absences will lower your participation grade to an F.

Make-up work: Students who miss class for whatever reason are expected to submit all homework within 24 hours upon their return to class. Otherwise, the work will receive a grade of F. In-class work (tests, oral exams, etc.) missed due to unexcused absences must be completed within two days upon return to class and are subject to a penalty of up to 10 points (/100) or more.

University Policy on Religious Holidays
1. Students should notify faculty during the first week of the semester of their intention to be absent from class on their day(s) of religious observance.
2. Faculty should extend to these students the courtesy of absence without penalty on such occasions, including permission to make up examinations.
3. Faculty who intend to observe a religious holiday should arrange at the beginning of the semester to reschedule missed classes or to make other provisions for their course-related activities.

Notification about the possible recording of classes

Course lectures may be audio/video recorded and made available to other students in this course. As part of your participation in this course, you may be recorded. If you do not wish to be recorded, please contact the Director of the French Language program. Prof. Marshall, during the first week of class (or as soon as you enroll in the course, whichever is latest).
PLEASE NOTE: If a recording is made, it will be available as a means of reviewing material. The creation of recordings does not in any way exempt students from the attendance policy. This is a synchronous course, and students are expected to attend online at the regular class time.
For more information, contact your professor.

Privacy and protection of copyright regarding class recordings

Students are prohibited from recording and/or distributing recordings of any class activity without permission from the instructor, except as necessary as part of approved accommodations for students with disabilities. Any approved recordings may only be used for the student's own private use.

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(Feel free to ask your instructor for details.)

A and A-: A represents work that is exceptional.
A- represents work of excellent quality that indicates a full mastery of the subject for the course level.
B+, B, and B-:

B+ represents work of very good quality.
B is for work of good quality.
B- for work whose quality is adequate.

C+, C, and C-

C+, C, and C- grades designate poor to very poor command of the course material

D+, D, and D- :

D+, D, and D- grades indicate work that shows a significant deficiency in knowledge of the material.


F is a failing grade representing work that deserves very little or no credit.

Grade Scale:



94-100 A
90-93.9 A-
87-89.9 B+
84-86.9 B
80-83.9 B-
77-79.9 C+
74-76.9 C
70-73.9 C-
67-69.9 D+
64-66.9 D
60-63.9 D-
<60 F
Grade Distribution:

Participation and inclass activities

MyFrenchLab 7.5%



Oral Exam I OR Karaoké

Oral Exam II 10%

Please note: There will be NO extra-credit.

Online SAM - MyFrenchLab:
You will receive the grade indicated when you complete an exercise. If you redo an exercise, the system will keep the best grade. Feel free to redo an exercise until you receive 100%.

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Participation & Class Preparation:

Outside of class, students are expected to complete all homework assignments on time, review material covered in class, read the textbook and complete all assigned MyFrenchLab (SAM) activities.

Daily, active participation is required of all students. You can best learn French by coming to class on a regular basis and being involved in classroom activities. Note that you are not expected to speak perfect  French! For many activities, your participation grade will be based on your willingness to ask questions and your effort to make yourself understood even if you make mistakes.

NOTE: The use of electronic devices such as cell phones is prohibited at all times and will result in an automatic F for participation. Likewise, a grade of F will be given to any student using a laptop or tablet for any reason other than taking notes or accessing homework or the course eBook.
(Examples of uses that will result in an automatic F: email, Facebook, Twitter, SMS, web browsing, etc.)

Average minimum amount of independent, out-of-class, learning expected per class:
On average, you are expected to spend 60 minutes to prepare new material for each class + 40 minutes to review material from previous classes for a total of 100 minutes of "outside" learning per class. Reviewing is essential for foreign language acquisition, so if you find you are spending over well over 60 minutes on new material and that you do not have time to review, contact your instructor for suggestions.
This makes for 6.7 hours of independent learning, in addition to 3.3 hours of direct in-class instruction, for a total of 10 hours per week.
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Black Lives Matter / Diversity
Our program strives to promote fairness and respect for all members of the GW community.
For any questions or suggestions regarding this aspect of the French language program, please feel free to contact the Director of the French Language Program M. Marshall at any time.
The GW Office for Diversity, Equity and Community Engagement also provides support and extensive information.

Health and Wellness
GW provides general information regarding GW and the coronavirus situation.

The Colonial Health Center (202-994-5300) can provide information and support for Covid-19 and other medical and health issues.
General health information can be found here.

The University's Counseling and Psychological Services offers 24/7 assistance and referral to address students' personal, social, career, and study skills problems. Services for students include: Covid-19 related support, crisis and emergency mental health consultations, confidential assessment, counseling services (individual and small group), and referrals.

In addition, GW's University Police Department (UPD) has a Coordinator of Victim Services.
This person is available during D.C. business hours at 202-994-0443.
After hours, please contact the UPD at 202-994-6111.

Academic Difficulties?
If you are particularly timid and fear that you will have difficulty participating or if you are having problems with the homework, activities or other course matters, do not hesitate to contact your professor. He or she will be glad to give you suggestions on how to best take advantage of course materials and class time.
You may also contact the the Director of the French Language Program M. Marshall.

Disability Support Services (DSS)
Any student who may need an accommodation based on the potential impact of a disability should contact the Disability Support Services office (or at 202-994-8250) in Rome Hall, Suite 102, to establish eligibility and to coordinate reasonable accommodations.

Online & Technical Support
Online GW students have access to a variety of university services and resources (technical, GWorld card, etc.).

Safety and security
In the case of an emergency, if at all possible, the class should shelter in place.
In an emergency: call GWPD 202-994-6111 or 911
> For situation-specific actions: review the Emergency Response Handbook
> In an active violence situation: Get Out, Hide Out or Take Out.
> Stay informed

Additional support for students outside the classroom
(NOTE: The services below may not offer assistance in French.)

Virtual academic support
A full range of academic support is offered virtually in Fall 2020. See updates here.

  • Tutoring and course review sessions are offered through Academic Commons.
  • Writing and research consultations are also available online.
  • In addition, there is virtual coaching, offered through the Office of Student Success.

Academic Commons offers several short videos addressing different virtual learning strategies for the unique circumstances of the fall 2020 semester. They also offer a variety of live virtual workshops to equip students with the tools they need to succeed in a virtual environment.

Writing Center
GW's Writing Center cultivates confident writers in the University community by facilitating collaborative, critical, and inclusive conversations at all stages of the writing process. Working alongside peer mentors, writers develop strategies to write independently in academic and public settings. Appointments can be booked online.

Academic Commons
Academic Commons provides tutoring and other academic support resources to students in many courses. Students can schedule virtual one-on-one appointments or attend virtual drop-in sessions. Students may schedule an appointment, review the tutoring schedule, or access other academic support resources at Academic Commons. For assistance contact

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GW is committed to digital accessibility. If you experience a barrier that affects your ability to access content on this page or on any page for this course, please contact the Director of the French Language program, and feel free to fill out the Accessibility Feedback Form).

If you have any questions or concerns about French 1002 during the semester, never hesitate to email the Director of the French Language Program, M. Marshall, at


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